As we collect and process sap throughout the season, the flavor and color of the syrup changes. All batches of Grade A Maple Syrup are the same thickness but the syrup has different hues and different flavor profiles. All syrup is graded using the following color and flavor descriptors:
Golden Color, Delicate Flavor syrup is a yellow color with a subtle maple flavor. Tasters often describe it as "buttery" or "vanilla flavored".
Amber Color, Rich Flavor syrup is a light brown color with a characteristic maple flavor. Tasters describe it as "fruity".
Dark Color, Robust Flavor syrup is a dark brown color with a more pronounced maple flavor that lingers on your taste buds. Tasters describe it as "caramel" or "nutty".
Very Dark Color, Strong Flavor syrup is a mahogany color with an intense maple flavor. It lays on your tongue like molasses or a bold cup of coffee.